Height Calculator

This height calculator is based on regression model that estimates a person's height based on various factors such as age, gender, weight, and parental height. The calculator uses a statistical regression model to predict an individual's height with a certain degree of accuracy based on these variables.

Child's Age


Child's Height



Child's Weight


Mother's Height



Father's Height



Predict based on the parent’s heights only

Mother's Height



Father's Height



Height Converter

Metric to US Converter


US unit to Metric Converter




Are you curious about how tall your child will grow to be? You're not alone. The height of a child is a frequently asked question among parents. Understanding the possible adult height of your child can help you prepare for the future and get a sense of what to expect as they grow. With our cutting-edge Height Predictor tool, you can have an estimate of your child's adult height using two different methods.

About the Tool

Our Child's Height Predictor tool uses state-of-the-art predictive algorithms to forecast your child's height as they mature into adulthood. This tool offers two distinct methods:

  1. A sophisticated Linear Regression Analysis Method
  2. A simpler Parent's Height Only Method

Our Child's Height Predictor is not just a simple online calculator; it's a comprehensive tool that utilizes sophisticated scientific methodologies and statistical algorithms to predict your child's potential adult height. It has been designed with an easy-to-use interface, making it convenient for all users, even those without any technical background.

Linear Regression Analysis Method

The Linear Regression Analysis Method requires data inputs including the child's age, current height, weight, and the heights of both parents. This method utilizes the power of statistical modeling to predict the future height of your child based on these multi-variable inputs.

Linear regression is a form of predictive modeling technique which investigates the relationship between a dependent and independent variable(s). In the case of our Child's Height Predictor tool, the dependent variable is the child's adult height, while the independent variables include the child's age, current height, weight, and the parents' heights.

This method is rooted in statistical science and provides robust and relatively accurate predictions. The tool essentially models the child's growth trajectory, taking into consideration various inputs. It assumes a linear relationship between these inputs and the child's eventual height. However, it's important to remember that this is a statistical model, and while it offers a high degree of accuracy, it's not infallible.

Parent's Height Only Method

On the other hand, the Parent's Height Only Method only requires the heights of the mother and father. This method employs traditional, widely accepted calculations to give an estimated height prediction based on the average parental height.

While the Parent's Height Only Method is a simpler and less accurate model compared to the Linear Regression Analysis Method, it offers a quick and easy way to get a general idea of a child's potential adult height. This method averages the parents' heights and applies a correction factor, typically adding 2.5 inches (6.5 centimeters) for boys, or subtracting 2.5 inches for girls.

How to Use the Tool

1. Linear Regression Analysis Method

To use this method, you'll need to enter several pieces of information:

  • The child's current age
  • The child's current height
  • The child's current weight
  • The height of the mother
  • The height of the father

Once you've entered this information accurately, click on the 'Calculate' button. The tool will process the data using its regression algorithm and display an estimated adult height for your child.

2. Parent's Height Only Method

This method is simpler and requires fewer inputs. You only need to enter:

  • The height of the mother
  • The height of the father

After you've input this information, click on the 'Calculate' button. The tool will then provide a prediction for your child's adult height using traditional calculations based on parental height.

Important Considerations

While these tools provide valuable insights into your child's potential adult height, it's crucial to remember that numerous factors influence a child's growth and development. These include genetics, nutritional status, overall health, physical activity levels, and the presence of any medical conditions. Therefore, these predictions should not be used as the sole determiner of your child's growth outcome.

It's also important to note that children grow at different rates and times. Some may experience a rapid growth spurt early in their adolescence, while others may grow gradually over a longer period of time. Therefore, the predicted height can change over time and should be reevaluated periodically.

Lastly, if you have any concerns about your child's growth or development, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide more detailed assessments and advice based on a thorough understanding of your child's health history and current status.